Training and Education

As an accredited training provider HTE  (with our partners) can provide the following courses and qualifications.

For Custom Made – Site specific Modules: Please contact us.

No Full Modules Duration (Days)
1. Safety Appointments – Training in their responsibilities and duties. Appointment dependant
2. Safety Representative 1 3
3. Safety Representative 2 3
4. First Aid Level 1 2
5. First Aid Level 2 3
6. Environmental Awareness 3
7. HIRA – Hazard and Risk Assessment 4
8. Basic Rigging 3
9. Demarcation 3
10. Introduction to Fire Fighting 1.5
11. Fire Fighting Level 1 3
12. Traffic Management 4
13. Traffic management for the Traffic Officer 3
14. Incident Management 2
15. Working at heights 3
16. Establish the Health and Safety of Work Site 4
17. Safety for Supervisors – Mining 5
18. Safety for Supervisors – Construction 4
19. Safety, health and environment 4
20. Implement site safety requirements 4
21. Identify & use protective clothing & equipment in general construction 3
22. Use & maintain small plant & equipment on a construction site 5
23. Use & maintain hand tools on a construction site 3
24. Use & maintain power hand tools on a construction site 5
25. OHS – act and construction regulations. 4
26. Site safety procedures manual (OHS act requirement) 4
27. Safety for Supervisors
No Full Modules (Continued) Duration (Days)
28. HIV/Aids Awareness Champion (The person that is responsible for HIV/AIDS on site.) 3
No Inductions Duration (Days)
29. OHS Inductions (induction) 1
30. Environmental Awareness (Induction) 1
31. Road Side Safety (Induction) 1
32. Sewage Plant safety. (Induction) 1
33. Toolbox Talks 0.5 to 1 hour
34. Site Safety Rules 1
35. Hazardous Chemicals 1
36. Fire fighting Induction 1
37. HIV/AIDS awareness 1
38. Crane Signals 1
39. Risk Assessment Induction 1


No Schools Duration (Days)
40. Scholar Patrol 1
41. First Aid Workshops For children 1
42. School Safety Procedures Manual 3
43. Any of the full modules or inductions as above.

For Custom Made – Site specific Modules: Please contact us.

No Roadwork’s skills
1 National certificate in Construction Roadwork’s (Please see annexure A)
2 General Roadwork’s Skills (Please see annexure B)
3 CEITB Roadwork’s Skills (Please see annexure B)
4 Certificate in Road Marking (Please see annexure C)
Supervisory training
5 Further Education and Training Certificate: Supervision of Construction Processes  – The individual Unit standards are also available (Please see annexure D)
6 Forman  – Man Management 5 days
7 CEITB Supervisory Skills (Please see annexure E)
No Drainage and services skills Duration (Days)
TE7 Install clay pipes and fittings 3
CDM1B1 Use & Maintain Hand Tools 2
CDM1B2 Operate a Light Weight Roller & Plate Vibrator 3
CDM1B3 Operate a Water Pump & Concrete Vibrator 3
CDM1C1 Construct a Brick Manhole 5
CDM1C2 Install Mountable & Barrier Kerbs 3
CDM1D1 Lay & Joint Pre-cast Concrete Pipes & Manhole Units 5
CDM1D2 Install Subsoil Drains Including Geo-textiles 4
CDM1F1 Lay & Re-instate Small areas of Block Paving 4
CDM1F3 Use Pneumatic Excavation & Compaction 4
CDM1F5 Erect Fencing 3
CDM1F6 Lay small areas of Stone Pitching 3
CDM3G2 Transfer Levels 2
CDM3G3 Set out Elementary Works 2
No Drainage and services skills(Continued) Duration (Days)
CDM3H3 Check Level-Inverts of Excavation 2
CDM3J2 Erect Form-work to Wing Wall 4
CDM3J3 Install Gabion & Reno Mattresses 4
CDM3K1 Apply Basic Concrete Skills 3
CDM3K2 Install Anchor Blocks to Pipe-work 2
CDM4M2 Set out and Construct Head and Wing Wall 3
No Shuttering skills
CSM1B1 Maintain and Use Basic Hand Tools 2
CSM1B2 Operate Electric Drill & Saw 3
CSM1B3 Identify Form-work& Scaffold Components 2
CSM1C1 Erect and Strip Straight Wall Form-work 3
CSM1E1 Apply Basic Re-inforcing Skills 3
CSM3G3 Erect and Strip “T” Wall – Stop End 4
CSM1C3 Erect and Strip Foundation Form-work 3
CSM3G4 Erect and Strip Slab & Beam Form-work 4
CSM3H2 Fabricate and Erect Timber Wall Shutter 4
No Water reticulation
LUWRM1 Lay Water mains 5
LUWRM2 Install Leading Connections 5
LUWRM3 Install Basic Sanitary Systems 5
No Wastewater / sewage skills
1 Basic sewage purification Operations 5 days
2 On site chlorinator – operation and maintenance 3
No Wastewater / sewage skills
3 Operation of wastewater treatment works:


Introduction to sewage treatment, Calculations, Chemistry, Chemical tests, Micro-organisms and their role in the wastewater purification, Hydraulics, Preliminary Treatment, Primary Sedimentation, Thickening, Anaerobic Digestion of sludge, Dewatering of sludge, Sludge utilization & disposal, The activated sludge process, Nutrient Removal, Biological filtration, Secondary Sedimentation, Polishing,  Treatment, Disinfection, Small Sewage Treatment Works, Industrial Effluents, Ocean Discharges, Maintenance, Records, Management, Safety, Instrumentation, Pumps Section.

Duration depends on advisement outcome and course content
Labour intensive construction methods (LIC)
Target Personnel NQF Unit Standard Title Notes
Contract manager, Technical manager, Admin manager, Site Agent / Manager / Foreman, CLO / PLO 5 Manage Labour Intensive Construction Projects One unit standard only. For the actual LIC methods NQF 4 is suggested as an addition.
Foreman / Supervisor

(We suggest: Contract manager, Technical manager, Admin manager, Site Agent / Manager / Foreman, CLO / PLO)



Implement labour Intensive Construction Systems and Techniques This unit standard must be completed and:
Use Labor Intensive Construction  Methods to Construct and Maintain Roads and Stormwater Drainage any one of the 3 listed unit standards must be completed
Use Labor Intensive Construction  Methods to Construct and Maintain Water and Sanitation Services
Use Labor Intensive Construction  Methods to Construct, Repair and Maintain Structures
Team Leader / Supervisor 2 Apply Labor Intensive Construction Systems and Techniques to Work Activities This unit standard must be completed and:
Use Labor Intensive Construction  Methods to Construct and Maintain Roads and Stormwater Drainage any one of the 3 listed unit standards must be completed
Use Labor Intensive Construction  Methods to Construct and Maintain Water and Sanitation Services
Use Labor Intensive Construction  Methods to Construct, Repair and Maintain Structures

For any building training not listed below: Please contact us.


For Custom Made – Site specific Modules: Please contact us.


9964 Apply health and safety to a work area 4
14882 Apply screeds to a concrete floor 19
14883 Apply tiles to plastered surfaces 5
14884 Build masonry superstructures using solid and hollow units 17
14887 Clad roof structures 7
14891 Erect roof trusses 18
14892 Install glazing 3
14893 Paint internal and external surfaces 7
9965 Render basic first aid 4
14894 Set out and prepare construction carpentry work areas 4
14895 Set out, excavate, cast concrete strip foundations, build foundation walling and cast concrete slabs 7
9967 Erect, use and dismantle access equipment 7
14889 Describe the composition, role-players and the role of the construction industry in the South African economy 4
14054 Read and interpret construction drawings and specifications 4
14885 Build steel frame walls 10
14886 Build timber frame walls 10
14888 Construct on-site sanitation facilities 3
14890 Erect ceilings and install insulation 5
9984 Manage construction resources 5
9968 Procure materials, tools and equipment 7

For any plant operator training not listed below: Please contact us.


  • The client provides the plant and H.T.E. provides the training.
  • All training and evaluation is done on site.
  • Three levels are provided namely, Beginner, intermediate and advanced.
  • A competency certificate is provided on each level.
  • A few examples of the training we provide:
Dozer operator Fault diagnosis for drivers Vibrating roller operator
Grader operator Articulated dump truck drivers Dumper operator
Wheeled scraper operator Rigid dump truck drivers Compressor operator
Loader operator Tractor operator Plate vibrate operator
Mixer operator Chipping spreader operator Wheeled dozer operator
Excavator operator Economy driving Heavy duty drivers
Pedestrian roller operator Wheeled hydraulic excavator operator

For any management training not listed below: Please contact us.

No Module Duration (Days)
1 Building Construction Management 10
2 Civil Project Management 10
3 Manage Labour Intensive Construction Projects 5
4 Mentorship for the Site manager 3

For any warehouse and stores training not listed below: Please contact us.


·          Inventory policy

·          Inventory categorisation (various categories of stock

·          Inventory classification

·          Dependant & independent demand

·          Setting parameters

Inventory controller


Store person interested to learn the basic inventory principles


·          Stakeholders in store operations

·          Receiving

·          Storage of stock

·          Issuing and despatch

·          Housekeeping

·          Safety and materials handling

·          Stock counting

Store person, construction storekeeper or housing and stacking supervisor 3

·          Safety and emergency planning

·          Personal protective equipment

·          Housekeeping

·          Fire prevention/protection

·          Manual material handling

·          Storage and preservation

·          Stores transportation

·          Hand and power tools

Stores personnel 5

To be in place:



·          Receiving of material from external sources

·          Receiving of material from internal sources

·          Safe stock handling procedures

·          Returning of faulty stock

·          Stock preservation

Stores personnel 1.5

To be in place:



·          Stores issuing process to end user

·          Issuing in general

·          Safe stock handling procedures

·          Stock maintenance


Stores personnel


·          Stores and related functions

·          Stock identification

·          Stock control

·          Receiving of items

·          Stores and risk practices

·          Stock picking, issuing and despatch

Company management



Store manager


·          The importance of stores design and layout

·          Stores design and layout study

·          Materials handling principles

·          Stock location

·          Unit loads: concepts and methods

·          Small parts storage and layout

·          Racking systems and handling equipment

·          Order picking – manual and mechanised systems

·          Receiving and issuing areas

·          Determining staff and equipment compliment

·          Economic evaluation


Management and

Senior stores personnel

5 days in lecture room


Handing in of case study after 14 days

For any Life skills training not listed below: Please contact us.


No General Duration (Days)
A Practical Life Skills
1 Practical Welding 5
2 Operate a hand held petrol lawn-mower 2
3 Bricklaying 10 to 25 days
4 Paving 5
5 Tree felling 3
B Financial and Business Life Skills
1 Manage basic personal finance 2
2 Basic business skills 5
3 Money Sense (15092) 2
4 Maintain effective workplace relationship 1
C General Life skills
1 Community liaison officer 5
2 Tourism opportunities 1
3 Mentorship 3
4 HIV/AIDS Awareness 1
5 HIV/AIDS Awareness Champion 3
6 AmadodaAqoboAwadlwenguli (Real Men Don’t Rape) 1
7 Domestic Violence and Abuse 1
8 Management of the environment 1
9 Road safety 1
10 Home management Duration provided on request
11 Cooking
12 Elderly care
13 Practice Good Hygiene and grooming
14 Childcare
15 Self-development
16 Communication
17 Conflict handling
18 Relationships
19 Assertiveness

For any Entrepreneurial training not listed below: Please contact us.

No Module Duration (Days)
1 The CDP training course (CEITB) 22
2 The Contractor Development Program (CEITB) 30
3 The National Certificate for Construction Contracting (CETA) 18 to 24 months
4 The Contractor Entrepreneurial Training Program (ILO) 22
5 Basic Business Skills (WBS – Winning Business Systems) Emerging businesses 5

HTE can also manage training centres and through doing this, assist the communities around these training centres to develop themselves and their businesses. HTE managed all the training centres during the initial construction phase of the N4 Maputo Corridor.


HTE is appointed to projects by their clients as construction and material managers. During the project, the HTE management team acts as mentors to the emerging contractors to enable them to manage their own contracts in the future.


HTE can also manage training centres and through doing this, assist the communities around these training centres to develop themselves and their businesses.

This module has been designed by Department of Social Development and UNICEF South Africa. The duration is normally 10 days but will differ from group to group.

CHAPTER 1: Importance of Early Childhood Development(ECD)
CHAPTER 2: Inter-sectoral Collaboration
CHAPTER 3: The role of the Department of Social Development at a national and provincial level
CHAPTER 4: The Legislative Framework for ECD centres (Places of Care)
CHAPTER 5: Early Childhood Development Services: Standards and Registration
CHAPTER 6: Guidelines for Early Childhood Development Services
CHAPTER 7: Guidelines for After School Care
CHAPTER 8: Guidelines for Family Care

Training material is developed based on the NQF registered unit standards to the client’s needs and specifications.
HTE are also specialists in developing integrated assessment instruments (IAI).


HTE developed Training Material for the CETA, private clients and continuously develop and re-develop our own material to stay on top of new information and technology.

Many scholars (Doctors and Professors) are now beginning to work together to gain a better understanding of the ancient culture in which Yashua (Jesus) lived because of archaeological findings. These finds have become so plentiful that some have hailed these times as the beginning of a golden age of biblical archaeology! New cities have been discovered under a sand deposit in Caesarea. All these discoveries have not only given us further proof of the veracity of the Bible, (genuineness/truth) but have given us a greater understanding of:

1) The period in which Yashua lived on earth and

2) Of the Hebraic Roots of His teaching.


Yashua was Hebrew and all His teachings reflect His Hebrew roots.


Anyone, Pastors, Ministers, Dominies, Christians or any other person who would like to deepen their relationship with YHVH (God) should come and join us in this awesome journey to discover our Saviours Hebraic Roots.


Let us Honour YHVH and go back to the Hebrew Roots of our Christian believes.


The course is presented over seven (7) levels and the duration normally differs from group to group. One should be able to finish it within two years. You can first register for Level One with no further commitments to the next levels but you surely would like to commit yourself after the completion of the first level.

Level 1 Level 4
Why Hebraic roots studies? The birth of John foretold and The birth of Yashua foretold
What should you know about the Hebraic roots? The birth of John and The birth of Yashua
Understand Romans chapter 11’s’ Olive Tree. The real birthday of Yashua
The significance of the tallit in the bible.
Mistranslations and misunderstandings? Level 5
The unpronounceable NAME of YHVH? Tabernacle
Hidden menorahs in the bible. Biblical gamatria
YHVH’s name on your heart and hands. Colours in the scriptures
The body in biblical times. The bible structure
Level 2 More on Pesach, Matzah and Bukkirim
Introduction to the biblical feasts Various covenants
Pesach, Matzah, Bukkirim Level 6
Shavuot Introduction
Rosh Hashanah & Yom Kippur Early commemorations of the Passover
Sukkoth Yashua’s last week before the crucifixion and the Passover
The blood covenant When was Yashua crucified?
Five offerings Was the last supper a Passover or not?
Revelations 2 – first love YHVH’s plan for the ages – the feasts
Did Yashua really change water into wine? How did Elijah became part of the Passover Seder?
The feast of tabernacles Level 7
Tithing – the blood in your hands. Yashua’s trials, crucifixion,  and resurrection
Level 3 The conspiracy against Yashua – the men who plotted against Yashua
The star of David Alone in the garden and the arrest
The truth about halloween The Jewish trials and The roman trials
Easter The sentence and The crucifixion
Christmas origins The burial and guarding
Anointing oil The resurrection.




  1. The course was designed by the Hebraic Roots Teaching Institute and is recognised internationally.
  2. The Yeshiva (School) is based in Krugersdorp and training is presented by Messianic Minister DollaMathee and Professor M Klopper (Professor in Hebraic Roots and Torah based Healing)

Operating a Wastewater treatment plant, a standby power plant or even an air-conditioning plant for a five-story building without an operating manual can be detrimental for the safety and health of all employees.


A few buildings and plants on our Public Works projects were so old that we had to ask some of the German and Australian manufacturers to search their archives for information.


Let HTE, with their group of specialists. develop your operating and maintenance manuals

HTE offers a unique service of distance learning to the construction industry. All our management courses and theoretical courses are included. Our Safety Officer qualification assisted a lot of learners to get work in the safety field or helped them to achieve higher goals in their careers.


Assessments are done on site and at our offices.